An online Scrum planning poker game

The problem

Remote collaboration presents unique challenges, especially in agile environments where estimating story points is crucial. Traditional methods fall short when teams can't meet in person, leading to inefficiencies and miscommunication.

The solution

Agile Poker is a simple online based game for remote estimations with a virtual poker table where development teams can effortlessly estimate story points. This online game oversteps geographical barriers, ensuring seamless and engaging planning sessions.

Laravel and React

Agile Poker is built on a robust Laravel backend, leveraging advanced features like routing, queues, and broadcasting to ensure a responsive and scalable application.

The React-powered frontend offers a dynamic, component-based user experience, enhancing real-time interactions among team members.

Together, these technologies provide a solid foundation for a lightweight, API-driven application that offers live updates.

Laravel LogoLaravel LogoReact Logo
GitLab Logo

Development Process

Agile Poker adheres to the standards of agile practices.

From planning and utilising Git/GitLab for version control, to implementing continuous integration and delivery, every step is designed to optimise the efficiency and quality of Agile Poker.

This ensures rapid, reliable releases and a robust, maintainable codebase.